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YearPublicationPublication type
2023Niroshan et al. Systematic revision of the ‘diminutive’ Kentish Plover with resurrection of
Charadrius seebohmi based on phenotypic and genetic analyses. (IBIS)
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Journal article
2023Seneviratne, S. S. & Niroshan, J. J. in press. IMPACT OF THE X-PRESS PEARL DISASTER ON
COASTAL AND MARINE BIRDS. In X-press Pearl Maritime disaster. M Vithanage & A. de Cost
(Eds). in CRC Press
Book Chapter
2020Genetic isolation through geographic distribution suggests an incipient speciation in a
ground nesting shorebird Charadrius alexandrinus – Kentish Plover (SLAAS – Sri Lanka)
2020Tropical lifestyle shapes wing morphology of migratory shorebird Charadrius alexandrinus –
Kentish Plover (Wild Lanka – Sri Lanka)
2020Land-cover assessment in the Kumana national park, Sri Lanka using multi temporal satellite
data (YSF – Sri Lanka)
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Extended Abstract